Thursday, January 27, 2011

Hello 38 weeks

So today I am 38 weeks, Overall still feeling fine but really sick of it and VERY uncomfortable. Nothing seems to be happening so it looks like we have a couple more weeks before that bundle of joy arrive. Until then I am trying to enjoy every moment with Laker, although that seems to be getting harder and harder to do as well, not gonna lie I almost get stuck in the play tent now days, and playing trucks on the floor just isn't as much fun with this big ole belly, and I have completely lost my mind by being seen in public in a bathing suit at the aquatic center but what you don't do for you child right?


Brink Boys said...

Maternity bathing suit burning at Lime Lake?

Anonymous said...

Did you know that our boys will be about 40 weeks apart. When Laker was just born, I was just preggo with Crew. Then, when Crew was just born you were preggo with baby #2. Fun.

Anonymous said...

At least we make 38 weeks look so good....No matter what we wear : )