Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Ultra Sound Results

Baby Boy Kragt is looking very healthy. My Doctor went over all the measurements from our ultra sound last week and everything was looking good. I don't have any kind of Placenta Previa this time (whoot whoot) so we are looking at another natural with many good drugs birth. His head and length measured right around the 40-50%, his belly was in the 95% , and this is the weird one his femur was in the 90th%. So we have an average headed, average length baby with a fat gut and long femur??????? I guess he just wants to be different already. Laker measured pretty much the same way at this point, besides the strangely long femur. I am measuring a week big, and having 2 babies so close or being out of shape but Dr. G made me feel better by blaming the babies my stomach muscle are shot and I am having random pains/contraction feeling type things going on but all is normal. We are half way there!!!!!!!