Friday, September 24, 2010

Boys Boys Boys

IT"S A BOY! Yesterday we had our 20 week ultra sound and found out it is another BOY! We are so excited for Laker to have a little brother to play with, and can I mention the money it will save us having another boy. It is hard to believe we are at the half way mark, or more if he comes early like Laker but we are not planning on that. As far as the Tech could tell everything looked good and my due date was right on. I have my follow up appointment next week with the Doctor so we will get all the details then. We are praying that this little guy doesn't have the same heart defect as Laker, he has a 2% chance so we are pretty confident he won't but Laker's chance's were less than 1% go figure we are so lucky! So now the name games starts.