Laker 18 month Stats
- Weight 23lbs 13oz (25%)
- Height 31 1/2 inches (25%)
- Head 48cm (50%)
Oakley 2 month Stats
- Weight 11lbs 13oz (40%)
- Height 22 1/2 inches (30%)
- Head 38cm (15%)
As you can see the boys aren't topping the charts yet but I was shocked to find out that Laker and Oakley's 2 month Stats are VERY similar. I thought for sure Oakley had Laker well surpassed in weight and height but my little 5 pound baby Laker was a 12 pounder at 2 months and their height is only 1/2 different. I still think Oakley is going to be the "big" little brother some day but as for now he is following in big bro's growth pattern. Happy we have 2 healthy little boys.
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