Wednesday, November 3, 2010

99 days to go

We are down to Double Digits here in the Kragt house waiting the arrival of baby Kragt. That is hard to think of seeing as Laker is still such a baby in our minds. We still refer to him as the baby (insert tear here) As I am sure happens with every second child we have done um well nothing to get ready for the arrival of this little bundle of joy. Maybe it is because I am lazy/tired ALL the time, maybe it is because we know it is a boy and have everything and more this little one may need, maybe it is because I haven't even put bottle's away just stored them in the "baby" cupboard until we need them. All other baby things are just in a corner in the basement waiting to be brought back upstairs even though it seems we just put them down there. Now that November is here we are getting ready for the transfer of rooms and putting Laker in his new room, mid month is when Corey and I have picked not because Laker isn't ready but we are going to enjoy a few more weeks of great sleep before we take on the fact that he may not sleep well/go to sleep well and will be able to get out of bed. I keep telling myself THEN I will get all the baby stuff out and into the nursery but we will see.