Monday, October 27, 2008

Doggie Daycare

Bailey and Sadi's friend Matea went home tonight. She came to live with us last Thursday when her daddy had to go out of town. They had ton's of fun playing out side and tug of war with their rope.
As you can see Bailey was very tired out from all of Matea's energy and all he wants to do is curl up with a blanket on the couch and watch some T.V. Sadi has decided the couch and T.V. was to much work and she has gone straight to bed for the night. A good nights rest looks to be in the future for our old and lazy dog's.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I am now a blogger

Hello to all. I have not only become a face booker I decided to try out a blog. CRAZY I know. We do not have very exciting lives right now but I thought it would be great to start a blog along with the start of my life as a Kragt. Hope to post many fun things to come but don't expect to many post from me. Happy weekend to all.